Iconic Shots
One of the most iconic shots of modern animation. From Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018), directed by Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman. This masterpiece of a visual -- the Leap of Faith shot was beautifully to depict Miles Morales' receiving of the torch as the next Spider-Man. Miles, hesitant and afraid of what's to come of accepting the role of his universe's Spider-Man finally comes to the decision to jump down and "rise" up to the occasion. This dynamic shot flipped on its horizontal axis gives the impression that Miles - despite falling (feeling stressed and anxious before), is ascending to his newfound responsibility as a hero. The creative decision of flipping the perspective on its head from falling to rising is genius in a coming-of-age moment like this one. This shot could have taken a different route, i.e. not flipping the up-down perspective and it would have dulled the moment significantly. If I were to shoot this shot, noth...